Happy New Year – 2024

The calendar year-end is always a good time for reflection, and we are pleased to report a bumper year for the Ludlow Hydro Co-operative (LHC), as outlined by our Chairman, Anthony Shuster: “As our eighth year of operation draws to a close, it gives me great pleasure to report that 2023 has been one of our strongest years; both in terms of meeting our green credentials for the amount of renewable electricity generated, and in revenues raised to repay our co-operative investors.”

He goes on to explain: “We had a particularly strong summer in 2023, with water levels in the River Teme comparatively high throughout the months of June – September, certainly compared to recent years. Our team of volunteers have continued to monitor water levels closely, to ensure we work in harmony with the river, performing routine maintenance on our hydro infrastructure to ensure we maximise efficiency, throughout the year. As we look ahead to 2024, we enter the new year from a strong position, which I am optimistic will see our green credentials continue to grow from strength to strength.”

The LHC Board of Directors would like to extend best wishes to our co-operative members and interested parties alike, and to thank you all for your continued support for the Ludlow Hydro Co-operative. Happy New Year!