Happy New Year – 2025

As the Ludlow Hydro Co-operative’s (LHC) ninth calendar year comes to a close, it is with great pleasure that we can report another successful year in terms of electricity generation. The past year has not been without its challenges from unseasonal weather patterns that have resulted in flooding throughout the county. At Ludlow though, we have been fortunate that levels of water in the River Teme have largely remained high, but not so high that we have suffered from any flooding to our core infrastructure. Working in harmony with the river and its ecology, we experienced very little down-time in terms of electricity generation throughout the year, and this is reflected positively in our annual figures.

LHC Chairman, Anthony Shuster explains: “With the healthy rate of electricity generation reinforcing our green credentials (coupled with the unit cost at which we are able to sell our electricity to the national grid remaining relatively high), the LHC has continued to meet the financial obligations of repaying co-operative member’s capital and interest payments, whilst also proactively maintaining our hydro infrastructure to ensure its continued longevity. As such, we enter the new year in good health and with every expectation that our green credentials will continue to prosper throughout 2025, our tenth year of operation.”

Our board of directors would like to thank co-op members and interested parties for their continued support for the Ludlow Hydro Co-operative. We wish you all a very happy new year.