Update on Hydro Repairs

With the UK now in the grip of Coronavirus lockdown, there have been inevitable delays to the assessment and repair of our hydro-electric generator, following the impact of flood damage earlier in the year. However, we are pleased to report that we have appropriate insurance policies in place and a small team of our LHC directors have been working tirelessly with the loss adjustor and associated contractors, to assess and repair the damage most expediently, whilst adhering to UK Government social distancing recommendations.

Dic Bickerton explains: “We have now removed both the main motor and the hydraulic brake motor from the generator bunker. These have been taken back to workshops, where they have been stripped down, inspected and contractors have provided us with the quotation for undertaking the repairs… We are expecting the reinstallation of these units during the first or second week in May. Contractors will then come to site to test and reconfigure the control cabinet and generator bunker.”  In parallel to this, plans are also afoot to dredge the tail-race, to remove debris that has gathered there, under the force of the flood waters.

Our team are expecting to confirm a definite timeline for completion of the outstanding work, over the coming week, with the intention of resuming hydro-electric operation as soon as possible; realistically, this is likely to be at some point in June.

In other news, we are happy to confirm that the AGM of the Ludlow Hydro Co-operative was successfully delivered via audio conferencing on 25th March, as planned. All motions were successfully carried and Co-Op members should now be in receipt of their interest payments.

We look forward to happier days ahead and, in the meantime, our thoughts and best wishes go out to you all and your families. Please stay safe in these difficult times. Many thanks for your continued interest and, for supporting the work of the Ludlow Hydro Co-Operative.